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Multiple Drivers

Adding a second driver with VueModel is easy! The example below sets up 3 drivers:

main.ts (or boot file)

const VueModel = createVueModel({
  default: 'local',
  drivers: {
    local: {
      implementation: piniaLocalVueModelDriver,
      config: { pinia },
    orion: {
      implementation: orionDriver,
    dataverse: {
      implementation: dataverseDriver,

Notice we set the default driver to local? This means all of VueModel's composables and actions will use local by default.

To use a different driver, pass the name of that driver as the first paramater!

const dataversePostsIndexer = useIndexer('dataverse', Post, { immediate: true })
const orionPostsIndexer = useIndexer('orion', Post, { immediate: true })
const localPostsIndexer = useIndexer('local', Post, { immediate: true })

It works the same with actions.

const response = await create('dataverse', Post, { title: 'My Post' })