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Optimistic Records (options.optimistic)

An "optimistic" UI is one that assumes requests will be successful. In other words, instead of showing a loading spinner when a record is created/updated/destroyed we assume the request was successful and immediately update the store.

Apps like trello use a similar strategy to create a snappy UI!

VueModel even rolls back - kinda like an "undo" - when the request fails in the following ways:

  • failed create: delete the record from the store
  • failed update: change the value back to what it originally was
  • failed destroy: insert the record back into the store

Only create, update and destroy support optimistic:

import { Post } from '@vuemodel/sample-data'

const postCreator = useCreator(Post, { optimistic: true })
const postUpdater = useUpdater(Post, { optimistic: true })
const postDestroyer = useDestroyer(Post, { optimistic: true })

We can also set optimistic at a driver level, or globally. This means the entire app will use optimistic, unless otherwise stated.

const vueModel = createVueModel({
  default: 'local',
  config: {
    optimistic: true, // globally (applied to all drivers)
  drivers: {
    local: {
      implementation: piniaLocalVueModelDriver,
      config: {
        optimistic: true, // only applied to the "local" driver