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Create Resource

const response = await create(Post, { title: 'VueModel' })

When creating a resource, you'll likely want to use the composable useCreate(). However, at times we can't use the composition api. For that, we have the action create().

The Response

create's response is easy to understand. You can access the response using promises, or async/await.

// async/await
const response = await create(Post, { title: 'VueModel' })

// promise
create(Post, { title: 'VueModel' })
  .then(response => {

Success Response

A successful response looks like this:

  action: 'create',
  success: true,
  record: {
    id: '1234',
    title: 'VueModel!',
    body: 'A natural way to work with your backend.',
    user_id: '1'

Handling errors works similar for all CRUD actions. Take a look at Handling Errors to find out more.