Fast As F$%k To Bulid
There are some nice APIs out there, but none as tightly integrated with Vue as VueModel. Every composable has been meticulously crafted to make working with VUE backends bliss.
There are some nice APIs out there, but none as tightly integrated with Vue as VueModel. Every composable has been meticulously crafted to make working with VUE backends bliss.
The LSD standard is a highly opinionated way of coding. It gets your team on the same page, makes it easy to extract logic, and reduces cognitive overhead.
Opinionated and predictable. You could be using two totally different backends yet in Vue, it'll all feel the same.
The "Local Storage" implementation is fully featured! That means you can prototype an entire application without building a backend. Clients can see what you'll build them before you write a single line of backend code AND they can play with it!